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To ensure our CSR values, we are ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified.

These certificates are well known both nationally and internationally. These certificates deal with the quality of our management system (how we have arranged everything in terms of work processes) and how we have secured care for the environment within our organization. The certificates help us deliver projects safely a sustainably. In addition, we use FSC® approved wood. This is important to us because the FSC® system ensures that the forests of our world can be preserved through responsible forest management. In our internal organization, we work with the VCA certificate. SCC stands for Safety Checklist Contractors and includes Occupational Health, Safety and the Environment. With VCA certification, we as a company lay the foundation for working safely and healthily every day. We also started the Safety Culture Ladder (SCL/Safety Culture Ladder) in 2024. The Safety Ladder is concerned with safety awareness within the organization, focusing on all the layers and parts we have.

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