For us as a family business, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a matter of course.
We build our business to better pass it on to the next generation. That means we go for long-term success rather than short-term profit goals.
In our policies, we seek a harmonious balance between People, Planet and Environment and Profit. This means that in practice we treat both our employees and our customers as good stewards. Reliability and honesty are core values within our company. We work daily with consideration for the environment and our surroundings. This means, among other things, that we encourage the use of sustainable materials, want to reduce energy consumption and reduce waste. We do this by minimizing sawing waste. Based on these values, we want to be a successful company in our markets. This way of working is not optional, but is anchored in our policy statement and various certificates that you can also view on our website.
As a company, we consider supporting local initiatives and associations very important. We do this by giving financial support, but also by actively rolling up our sleeves and providing resources. We have associated ourselves with various nationally and internationally operating organizations that work for fellow human beings around the world. Below is a small selection of associations and organizations we support that could also use your support.
KWF Kankerbestrijding is a Dutch foundation dedicated to fighting cancer through scientific research, education, patient support and fundraising. This is done together with volunteers, donors, patients, doctors and researchers.
As a Heart for Business partner, we help achieve the Heart Foundation’s mission: a healthy heart for everyone. For now and later. Support makes even more research and innovation possible. We also make our own company more heart-healthy and heart-safe.
Hoogendoorn also supports the local soccer club Kozakken Boys, which fulfills an important and social function in the field of sports and exercise for its members in Werkendam and the surrounding area. Meanwhile Kozakken Boys is a household name in the municipality of Altena and has set up several initiatives for the improvement of the living situation of individuals and groups in order to promote (social) participation in the region.
The beautiful nature reserve near Hoogendoorn’s premises is supported by us. The Biesbosch Museum provides insight into the origins and history of the nature reserve. Respect, Relaxation, Education and Inspiration (ROEI) are the core concepts from which the Biesbosch Museum Island fulfills its function.
Woord en Daad works from a biblical perspective to create sustainable change for people living in poverty. In this way, this organization creates hope and new opportunities together. The organization has a business-oriented approach. They choose a good project, work with low overhead costs and personal involvement. Hoogendoorn stands behind the thoughts that every person is created in God’s image and that all people are equal. Therefore we know we are called to reflect God’s love and mercy by giving. Therefore we want to take our responsibility and do our part.
The Dapper Child Foundation is committed to all sick children. Every acutely, long-term or seriously ill child is brave, regardless of their illness. This is what we and the Dapper Kind Foundation are convinced of. The Foundation wants to use the DapperDagbook to help children and their parents deal with their situation in a positive way. The foundation hopes that this will help sick children and their parents to process their experiences better and share them more easily. They want to achieve this by offering the DapperDagboek to as many children as possible free of charge. The Diary for Sick Children contains colorful stickers for each individual situation: the DapperPlackers. The stickers tell, reward, motivate and encourage. With space for drawings, cards and (medical) reminders. You can get the DapperDagboek at the hospital, care facility, home care organization, family doctor or order it for free through the website. Hoogendoorn gladly contributes by means of a financial contribution.
We also support various projects, initiatives and magazines in support of a social interest, both within and outside the municipality of Altena.
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